miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Ever after

If I had the chance to reboot my life, restart once again and decide who I wanna be with til the end of time...

...I´d still choose you.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Saint Valentine’s day and Gimme your love’s first anniversary.

Today it makes a year since the second video of that project that I recorded with Jake, named “F·RYK·SHOW”, saw the light of the day. It´s a video that formed part of a plot: on the one hand, it´s a song that I really loved from the beginning and that I recorded several times in order to, finally, get both versions (ballad and radio edit) released (jake, I will never thank you enough! I love you). I can assure and, as a matter of fact, I assure you that I had never had so much fun recording a song since then and that, nowadays, it still gives me chills when I hear it.

On the other hand, and in a more up close & personal way, it´s a video that was released in a day like today, Saint Valentine’s day, because by that time I used to maintain a relationship with my partner that used to dangle from a threat and this way my way to try to fix it. It was the very first time that I fell in love like CRAZY and, on top of that, there was reciprocity from the other party. That´s why you see me in the video playing dumb, trying to undress my soul and show the real me (I was really sad when we shot the video, I must say that we had already broken up…).. the real goal of the video was fixing my relationship. I didn’t talk about this to the media and friends and fans (I didn’t even tell Jake, and he´s my friend!!) because I didn’t feel strong enough to be stalked constantly with questions regarding my love life. Especially when I don’t have one, hehe.

The song´s aim, nowadays, didnt hit the spot because, if not, I would not be here alone in my bed typing this in my computer and kind of sad… (please somebody gimme a hug or something!! LOL). I feel sad and empty because when you speak (or sing) your heart in your most sincere way you get exposed way too dangerously to what can come to you and, as an artist, it´s great, but as a normal person, it can tear you upside down to pieces. And hurts A LOT.

I swore I´d never put my life in words of a song but that promise must have been gone with the wind, I guess..

Today, I wish you all the best, all the love in the world and if you already have it, enjoy it!

I love you so much, soon there will be more news but I needed to show up a Little around here.
