Hi every body, how are you all doing?? I hope GREAT!
After having taken some days off, I am back to the junk to resume what I left backlogged due to this summer. As I already annouced, these months are going to be full of surprises, and this is one of them. My next video and single: "Dirty Little Liar". Let me break it down for y'all:
Well, Jake originally wrote the song for another singer, a girl who would record it for her album but she finally couldn't sing it and, since I liked it from the very first time I heard it in the studio and it fitted perfectly my tone, I asked him not to discard the song and let me sing it. After so much whining (he didnt want me to do it, hehe) I finally got the song. I believe he did it just to stop listening me begging like "Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake...!!" hehehe. We just needed an hour to record the voices and it took place about a year ago.
For me, "Dirty Little Liar” represents what could be considered as the sequel of "Gimme your love". The first one talks about someone asking for love and forgiveness. The second one is about the same person realising that all the begging was not worth because the other one was a liar. This time the video has nothing to do with my personal life the way GYL did. This time there will be no more smiley Ryks nor good intentions.. let's see how I can play the bad Ryk. The video has already been shooted and I did my best, I hope you all like the result!!
It couldn't be any other way, RAÚL MATA (REWIND MUSIC VIDEO). I´m a huge fan of his work, Raúl Mata is a really truly talented director and working with him stands for having fun and getting incredible results. You will see!!
· Jake: He had to come up in the video, even though it´s just a little cameo in the beggining but oh well. The song is his. I love his work and talent. We've been working together for years and it was about time that he appeared in some video of mine and, something unexpected, he acts amazingly!!
Gemma Gimenez: This incredibly beautiful woman, great actress, media monster and terrific human being is a prime time spanish star that has starred a lot of movies, soap operas and theatrical works. She can be the most lovely girl on earth and turn into a real slut in a second and that's was I was looking for in the video: a psycho girlfriend. It´s an honor for me to have her on my video. Thank you so much Gemma, I had a ball working with you!!!!
There's some cover already done, but that one is not going to be the final one. Thanks Nils!!
Isn’t it weird the way you change when you’re just with me? How you act so differently when no one else can see? Why do situations get you tripping on me?
And I´m tired of your dirty little, little, little lies. And I´m tired of how you always try to hide. I think it´s time to choose between the world and me.
‘Cause you’re a dirty little liar. Got the world at your feet with the lies that you speak. You’re a dirty little liar so don’t come by my door no more with your lies, lies, lies.. with your lies.
Must be so hard to live inside of your mind… all the demons that you have to fight… it´s like living with the enemy: you’re taking my energy.
And I´m tired of your dirty little, little, little lies. And I´m tired of how you always try to hide. I think it´s time to choose between the world and me.
‘Cause you’re a dirty little liar. Got the world at your feet with the lies that you speak. You’re a dirty little liar so don’t come by my door no more with your lies, lies, lies.. with your lies.
Ain’t it funny how, after all is said and done, I’m still the one? Ain’t it funny how the world doesn’t seem to count? When you’re home alone and there’s no one there… oh, so now you care..
‘Cause you’re a dirty little liar. Got the world at your feet with the lies that you speak. You’re a dirty little liar so don’t come by my door no more with your lies, lies, lies.. with your lies.
With your lies.. dirty little lies…